Many people who live with a partner who snores are willing to try anything to end the torment – nasal strips, inhalers and even pyjamas with tennis balls sewn into the back.
However, a research group from Waseda University in Japan has come up with a more high-tech solution: a robotic bear that flips over people’s heads in their sleep to open their airways.
The bear is used as a pillow but has a built-in microphone. As soon as it detects a loud snore, its paw reaches up and gently pushes the sleeper’s head to one side.
The motion is intended to push sufferers of sleep apnoea into a position where they no longer snore.
The gadget is aimed specifically at snorers whose snoring habits inhibit their blood oxygen level, with a separate hand monitor sensing when blood oxygen levels drop.
The bear was recently shown off at an international robot show in Japan. If this device can stop snorers from driving their partners crazy, why not come up with a solution for another pet hate?