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Does my website need legals? Infographic helps with answers

You’re setting up a business. You’ve got a website to promote it. Now, what about the fine print?   Depending on what you’re doing with your website, you may need to address some legal issues through a privacy policy or advertising terms and conditions.   Vanessa Emilio, practice director at Legal123, has produced a handy […]
Gavin Lower

You’re setting up a business. You’ve got a website to promote it. Now, what about the fine print?


Depending on what you’re doing with your website, you may need to address some legal issues through a privacy policy or advertising terms and conditions.


Vanessa Emilio, practice director at Legal123, has produced a handy infographic that helps people with websites work out what “legals” they may need to add to it.


“People are really surprised they need anything at all,” she told StartupSmart.


Emilio says legals can protect the website’s owner from claims that might arise from any misunderstanding of what’s on the website.

