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Update your blog!

Earlier this year, Old Taskmaster ordered you to get blogging!   Long-time readers will remember your humble correspondent set you the task of reading through some business blogs and had a looking at why they work. Then you wrote up some blog posts of your own in Word. Finally, you created a blog and uploaded […]
Andrew Sadauskas
Andrew Sadauskas

Earlier this year, Old Taskmaster ordered you to get blogging!


Long-time readers will remember your humble correspondent set you the task of reading through some business blogs and had a looking at why they work. Then you wrote up some blog posts of your own in Word. Finally, you created a blog and uploaded your first posts.


Of course, even if you aren’t a regular reader, your website will, more likely than not, have a blog as part of its design. If not, there are free blog providers online that will let you create one!


Anyway, assuming you have a blog as part of your website, it’s time to take a look at when your last blog post was.


Was it in the past few days, you’re winning. Just like Charlie Sheen. Have a cookie.




Now, for the rest of the class, it’s time to fess up. When was your last blog post? Last week? Last month? Several months ago? Last year? Never?


If I loaded it up now, would I get a post titled “Test” that was put there when your web developer first designed the site?


Well, it’s time to stop being barmpot blighter of a blogger and post an update!


No more excuses! If you don’t know how to use the blogging functionality of your website, make sure you find out! If you don’t have time, make time! Write it down in your diary!


Your blog doesn’t have to be long – just long enough to let your customers know you’re still alive and kicking.


The start-up phase is a time of rapid change and evolution for businesses. Make sure you keep your customers in the loop!


Now what are you waiting for?! Stop reading this blog! Type one of your own!


Get it done – on your blog!