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Find the last document you worked on in Word

While today’s tech trick is surprisingly simple, you’d be surprised how many people aren’t aware of it.   Have you ever typed a Word document, saved it, and then forgotten which folder you saved it into? Especially if you want to attach your document to – for example – a Gmail message, this can be […]
Andrew Sadauskas
Andrew Sadauskas

While today’s tech trick is surprisingly simple, you’d be surprised how many people aren’t aware of it.


Have you ever typed a Word document, saved it, and then forgotten which folder you saved it into? Especially if you want to attach your document to – for example – a Gmail message, this can be quite annoying.


Thankfully, there’s an incredibly simple solution.


First, open up Word. Next, click File. In the left-hand column, one of the options is called Recent.


You will notice the most recent files you saved in Word listed on the left – with where you saved each file listed underneath.


On the right, you will see a list of the folders you recently saved documents into. Double clicking on any of these folders opens it up – and the files are ready to drag and drop into Gmail.