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Celebrate bad times, come on!

Celebrate bad times… come on (sung to the eternal Kool & the Gang hit tune). I love this Seth Godin post I just read on his personal “career ending” failures. Here’s someone who has achieved so much and is one of my personal role models, and yet his failures are equally impressive I have to say! […]
James Thomson
James Thomson

Celebrate bad times… come on (sung to the eternal Kool & the Gang hit tune).

I love this Seth Godin post I just read on his personal “career ending” failures.

Here’s someone who has achieved so much and is one of my personal role models, and yet his failures are equally impressive I have to say!

When I interviewed Seth in 2008 he had this to say about his failures:

“My list is way too long for this email. I regret not starting a search engine in 1995. I regret thinking too small in many of the first businesses I started. Small thinking with small goals and small deliverables to the wrong clients. But you know what? I’m not sure I’d change much. The misses are worth at least as much as the hits.”

Which just reinforces the fact that it doesn’t matter how much success someone appears to have had. They’ve usually had just as many if not more failures along the way.

The successful person just doesn’t give up. They learn, they become better, they move on and up, not making those same mistakes again.

What have you failed at lately?


Kirsty Dunphey is the youngest ever Australian Telstra Young Business Woman of the Year, author of two books (her latest release is Retired at 27, If I can do it anyone can) and a passionate entrepreneur who started at age 15 and opened her own real estate agency at 21. Currently Kirsty heads up the premium online copywriting site for real estate agents and is a co-director of Elephant Property Launceston, Tasmania’s only boutique real estate agency purely for investment property owners. Kirsty’s other ventures are outlined at her website where you can also sign up for her newsletter.