Dear Aunty B,
I know I am a wowser but every New Year’s Eve our group of friends wish each other a happy New Year at 10.30pm and then go to bed. We call it a Kiwi New Year, although we have no idea if New Zealand is two hours ahead of us in Sydney or behind but frankly, don’t care enough to check it out.
Anyhow, as I will be asleep when others are making their New Year’s resolutions I was thinking you could make mine for me.
What should I do next year Aunty?
Odd, in bed and proud,
Dear Odd, in bed and proud,
You rebel. What a rule breaker. Here are 10 things you must do to become a better entrepreneur in 2010.
1. Go to bed early and don’t get up no matter what. That means no sitting up in the night jotting down thoughts on paper by your bedside. OR doing any laptop work.
2. More gardening… or take it up. Entrepreneurs like to grow things but it can’t always be your business.
3. Exercise: get addicted to that endorphin rush. Do it even when you are tired, even when you are about to land a big deal, even when you can barely drag yourself out of bed… just do it!
4. Get to love healthy food. Buy a great new cookbook that talks about health and work your way through it. If the kids don’t like it, tough. Give them a bowl of cereal.
5. Put yourself in the equation. That means whether you are dealing with a spouse, a client, children or employees, think about how it will affect you physically and emotionally.
6. You know your poison? You know. That thing you have too much of? Or do too much of? Whatever it is, have a bit less of it.
7. Go out more with people you love, whether friends or family. And laugh a lot.
8. Get a nature-based hobby. Surf, bushwalk, bird watch, jump from planes – well maybe not jump from planes but you get my drift: if you are catching waves or smelling gum trees after rain you’re not thinking about work are you?
9. Have a bath. Buy new CDs regularly. Buy your partner a massage course for Christmas. Your aim in 2010 is to RELAX.
10. Keep reading moi.
Gee. I didn’t say anything about business. Funny about that…
Happy Christmas dear readers, thank you to all my advisers who helped me with this and let’s do it again in 2010!
Your Aunty B
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