Employees at the Department of Finance have been granted access to Twitter and Facebook at work, but have been warned social media usage will be monitored, according to an internal memo leaked onto the internet.
“For security reasons many agencies don’t even allow their employees to access these sites,” Peter Alexander, manager of the online services branch of the Australian Government Information Management Office, wrote online.
“Until a few weeks ago, that used to be the case in Finance. But, in light of the work of the Gov 2 Taskforce, Finance opened up access to a range of social media sites to all staff… Employees were also provided with a set of guidelines on appropriate use of social media, including a how-to guide for Facebook and Twitter.”
The policy recommends that staff use Facebook Lite at work, and visit the website of security firm Sophos in order to educate themselves on safe web surfing practices. Additionally, strict guidelines are presented for users to follow.
“But it is important that you consider the impact your online activities could have on the Department,” the policy states. “It is important that you do not post information that could be interpreted as an official position or statement on behalf of Finance unless you have prior permission from your manager.”