Dear Aunty B,
I have a very sensitive problem to bring up. Our bookkeeper sits next to me and I think she eats curry for every meal. Well, I know she does for lunch. Sometimes in the morning the smell is so bad I dry wretch and have to pretend to have a coughing fit to hide it. She is a very “proper” lady and I can’t imagine myself raising this topic with her. Fortunately she only comes in three days a week so I have two days of fresh air!
But it still means that for three days a week I breathe in her fumes. I have met her husband and he also smells. Maybe it is their house. But it is not so easy to just tell her to use a deodorant as I think it is her way of life that makes her smell. I really don’t know what to do, as we can’t open windows in our office. I have tried air mists but they don’t work for long and they make my eyes water.
Dear George,
Piece of cake. You move desks.
You look around your environment and find any excuse to move. The photocopier may disturb your chain of thought. Your eyes are being bothered by reflected sunlight. Your brain feels like it is going to explode from the stream of people who walk past your desk on the way to the lunchroom. You need to be closer to the toilet because you have bowel problems. You need to be close to the door as you are trying to overcome agoraphobia. You need to be closer to your boss as you fear rejection. Whatever it takes, get yourself moved.
If none of those work, go and have a word in the ear of your boss. She or he can smell too and will probably be quite sympathetic.
Good luck!
Your Aunty B
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