I usually keep my blogs to share things that I have learned and discovered in the pursuit of building a great organisation. But as a business leader this week of course I have been left bewildered.
Recently I wrote about the disgrace of both major parties advertising and promotional campaigns. And clearly I was not alone in my alarm. There has been much commentary this week. In fact, there is little else in the press.
So there is a stalemate – no major policies or leadership with such a precarious position. The much need true tax reform, any mention of workplace relations, a technology and broadband strategy will be well on the back burner.
What does this mean for us out here in small business land, working hard, employing people, and paying our taxes? It means that we will operate in limbo land. We will just keep doing what we do and administrators will run the country.
Did we get what we deserved? The election we had to have? The people have spoken… we want clear leadership, articulated and funded policies. We want to be the great nation that we all work to be.
Out of the ashes clear leadership must rise… our leaders owe it to the people (and the businesses). As I have always said – ‘there is no power in hope’ – ‘hope is not a strategy’… enough of the infighting and faceless power brokers – let’s look at the plan.
Naomi Simson is considered one of Australia’s ‘Best Bosses’. She is an employee engagement advocate and practices what she preaches in her own business. RedBalloon has been named as one of only six Hewitt Best Employers in Australia and New Zealand for 2009 and awarded an engagement scorecard of over 90% two years in a row – the average in Australian businesses is 55%. RedBalloon has also been nominated by BRW as being in the top 10 Best Places to Work in Australia behind the likes of Google. One of Australia’s outstanding female entrepreneurs, Naomi regularly entertains as a passionate speaker inspiring people on employer branding, engagement and reward and recognition. Naomi writes a blogand is a published author – and has received many accolades and awards for the business she founded – RedBalloon.com.au.