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Why am I every employee’s therapist?

Hello again Aunty B, I’m writing to have a whinge about employees in a small business. We have six employees here and due to our small size I have to be everyone’s therapist. Every time a person gets down about home life, sad about the world or just loses focus, I need to step in […]

Hello again Aunty B,

I’m writing to have a whinge about employees in a small business. We have six employees here and due to our small size I have to be everyone’s therapist. Every time a person gets down about home life, sad about the world or just loses focus, I need to step in and give them words of encouragement and hold their hands. Help them over the little bumps in life.

Why can’t they grow some backbone? Why don’t they just get on with their jobs and then go home to whinge to their partners, pets or pot plants.

Please, when your favourite TV show has a sad ending, GET OVER IT. Stop chatting, and do some bloody work.

Frustrated boss

Dear Frustrated boss,

Please let me explain to our readers that you are a man! And why is this surprising? Because usually it is female entrepreneurs who have this problem. Look, your employees are not the ones with problems. You are! What on earth are you spending your day chatting to your employees about their personal lives? I would rather poke a pencil in my eye. Actually I think my employees would rather poke a pencil in my eye than tell me about their personal problems.

The only time you get involved in employees’ personal lives is when it affects their performance.

When someone comes in with a problem, offer them sympathy with a comment like, “I am sorry to hear that.” Then ask them how it is going to affect their work? Can they reach their targets? Do they need any support or consideration? If they say no, then say that’s good and get ’em out of your office!

Always remember your job is not to be your employees’ therapist. It is to build a company that provides them with money, training, opportunity and a fun, safe place to work. That is a big contribution to their lives. If you offer the kind of therapy you are talking about it distracts you from doing that job.

If they are losing focus on work, you might need to consider whether there is a strong strategy in place that is being communicated often. And whether their targets are high enough to keep them focussed.

So my advice to you? Stop chatting and do some bloody work!

Good luck!
Your Aunty B