Dear Aunty,
I have been brought in to run the marketing section at a software company full of nerds who are brilliant at technology but have no idea how to package, brand, communicate and sell.
While I am very good at my job, I am treated in a very condescending way by the nerds who think because I don’t know what a wireframe is, that I have the IQ of a gnat. They on the other hand would never sell a thing because they have the communication skills of a worm!
How do I get respect in the office and drum it into them that without my skills they will continue to flounder? I don’t think it helps that I am a woman and they are all men.
No respect,
Dear No respect,
You call yourself a communications expert so start acting like one.
Look, the poor nerds have no idea how to communicate with you so they are probably indulging in some gentle teasing. What you have to do is adapt the bulldozing charm offensive while you build up some credibility.
First you must learn about their craft from a technical perspective because it will help in the marketing and your relationship with the nerds. Make sure you see customers so you know what problems the software can solve. Second, you bulldoze. Let their teasing wash over you. Who cares… unless it gets nasty in which case you kill it dead.
Third you are charming. You don’t tell them how wonderful you are, you tell them how wonderful they are – and point out that your job is to make their work appreciated by the world because they are too busy being brilliant.
Make sure you get quick runs on the board early. What changes can you make immediately to make a difference?
And no more talk of gnats and worms and men and women. You all have a job to do so stay professional.
Good luck!
Your Aunty B
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