Dear Aunty B,
This may sound trivial but I often have gut versus head battles. I usually end up trusting my gut, which is what all entrepreneurs tell you to do, but I reckon half the time I am wrong!
I am planning for FY11 trying to decide between two big business ideas. My gut says go for one because it will be the bigger opportunity in the long run, but my head says the other is less risky and more commercially sensible.
Aunty, head or gut?
Dear Eugene,
Oh dear. It always puzzles me that most of the human race doesn’t know that the brain is responsible for rational thought. Try this little exercise. Point to your gut. Hmm? So where are you pointing? Probably your heart? Maybe a lung? Maybe your beer gut?
Forget the gut. I think when people describe their gut reaction it often comes from a feeling of certainty based on experience. Often, as you know, when you find a decision hard to make, it is because you don’t have enough information and have not done enough research. So your gut is telling you to follow one opportunity.
Well, I would follow that one. You know why? Because in the long run you will make mistakes chasing the head and gut ideas. But if you are more committed to one, chances are you will focus, execute, follow it through and make a success of it. Then you, like the rest of us, can loudly proclaim: Follow your gut!
Good luck,
Your Aunty B
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