Dear Aunty B,
I am one of two general managers in a medium-sized business. My problem is that the other GM keeps nicking my ideas and coming up with products that cannibalise mine.
I have continually pointed this out to our CEO that there is some unnecessary duplication, but she doesn’t do anything about it. I almost think she gets her jollies over seeing how annoyed I get. I am so fed up I am thinking of leaving.
Can you tell me how to get my message across so she sees sense?
Dear Incensed,
Hmm… I know this is very frustrating but it would make me laugh too. Look at it from your boss’s perspective. She knows that businesses need to cannibalise their own products in order to grow. Happens all the time! It is actually called innovation. New tricks, new techniques, new technologies and new solutions needed to solve customer’s problems mean that often, new products cannibalise old ones.
Your boss also has two highly competitive GMs competing with each other to come up with new ideas and new products! The mistake she is making is that you are not enjoying the ride. Start to understand how your constant innovation is assisting the company strategy and ask for more rewards. And work more closely with the other GM so that you keep innovating but cut out any duplication.
Finally, acknowledge your feelings of insecurity and jealousy and then shrug them off. They are useful as drivers but destructive if they drive you.
Good luck!
Your Aunty B
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