Dear Aunty B,
I’ve got the unhappy task of firing an employee again. I need to haul him up, tell him to pack his stuff and kick him out.The bloke should have been fired five times due to his behaviour, so I’m doing the correct thing.
But why does it scare me so much?? Nothing else in life except public speaking makes me feel this bad!
Best regards,
Dear Jim,
Actually you are in good company. More than half the entrepreneurs we ask say it is the worst part of running a business. I always wonder what the hell the other half think is hard.
It is because you are human and care about your people. And that is part of the reason you are sacking him. His behaviour impacts on others and it’s not fair on them to keep him on.
But you know all that. The other reason it is so hard is that often people have no idea it is coming.
The same blindness that makes them unable to respond to tips and advice about performance also makes them blind to their lack of performance and to the fact that the axe is about to fall. They are always shocked and that is very difficult for anyone to deal with. You can always tell yourself that they are going to find the right bus and you are doing them a favour by helping them off the wrong bus.
That doesn’t work for me but the entrepreneurs I know who can move people on without the trauma say it works a treat.
All you can do my friend is this.
First, think about the kindest way to do it and whether there is any assistance, words of advice or introductions you can offer.
Second, limit the impact on yourself. Do it at the end of the day so you can go home soon after. Plan a night of oblivion. It might be going to the theatre or pumping weights at the gym to loud music, anything to take your mind off it.
In my case it is having a big glass of wine (more of a tumbler if I am honest) and going to bed early with the doona over my head.
I always feel better the next day and I feel a lot better the day after that. Then I spend years after thinking how great it is that the particular person is gone and what a nightmare they were and how happier everyone is now they don’t have to do that persons job.
Be smart
Your Aunty B