Social networking giant Facebook has blocked a new app that allows users to see whether a person has changed their relationship status.
Facebook Breakup was made so users could keep track of someone’s relationship status – when they turn “single” they receive a notification.
But according to the program’s Twitter feed, the system has now been blocked.
“Hey everyone Facebook emailed saying that they’ve disabled us … we are working for a fix but ask @facebook to put us back online,” a tweet said.
TechCrunch has reported this message as saying Facebook wanted to shut down the app because it appears “spammy”.
“To ensure positive user experiences on Platform we run routine automated screens that take user feedback, machine learning and various algorithms into account and remove spammy applications,” Facebook says.
“For example if an application is making an inordinate number of stream publish calls and receiving a large number of user reports it may be removed by our automated systems to protect the user experience and the Platform ecosystem.”