The changes to Facebook pages are pretty dramatic and have lots of people confused, here are some things that have changed on the wall and how you can work around them.
1. How do I see my wall posts in chronological order?
You can now (as of this week) show your posts in the order they were posted. Click on the recent posts or top posts button underneath your top five photos on your page to do this.
2. Where can I find spam comments?
To see any spam comments click on hidden posts which is on the left (under your page profile pic) underneath the wall tab. This will show you if there are any spam comments that Facebook have filtered – you need to check this regularly, often non-spam comments will be in here!
3. How do I delete a post I don’t want?
Just mouse over the right side of the post until an “x” appears, click on this and you have the option to delete it, block the user and report it. If it is spam then reporting it works really well because once a person is reported a few times Facebook will close their account.
4. How can I rearrange my tabs?
Just this week Facebook have changed the tab view so that there are eight on display instead of six as previously. If you only have eight tabs on your page (including the wall and info) then you no longer can rearrange your tabs. If you have more than eight click on the MORE button at the bottom and then on EDIT and you can drag and drop the tabs. If you want to rearrange the tabs and you don’t have more than eight, then you need to add some extras rearrange and then delete them.
5. How can I get behind my page?
There are two ways, click on the EDIT PAGE button on the right side of the page (this ONLY appears on the wall) or click on EDIT INFO at the top of the page which appears on every page.
Hopefully, this will help you find everything on the new look pages, if you have any questions please shout below in the comments.
Lara Solomon is the founder of Mocks, mobile phone socks, founder of Social Rabbit – your guide in the world of social media and author of ‘Brand New Day – the Highs & Lows of Starting a Small Business’. Lara’s business LaRoo was the winner of the NSW Telstra Micro-Business Award in 2008.