Every week, SmartCompany Plus brings you The Best of Everything, From Everywhere. This week, we’ve brought you an article explaining Facebook’s post-pandemic remote work plan, Google’s move to limit online slander, and why EU-businesses are sticking with China.
Want to know how to fail gracefully in the event your startup doesn’t succeed? Check out the second link.
Facebook remote working plan extended to all staff for long term
Facebook will now allow all of its employees to request for remote work, but its subcontractors who carry out content moderation don’t have the same luxury.
Startups and art of failing with grace
Almost every successfully founder has failed at least once, if not hundreds of times. Here’s how to make sure that failure doesn’t destroy your business relationships.
European companies have no intention of decoupling from China
No country in Europe wants to be the next Australia, but the market potential of China is outweighing the risks for EU businesses.