Help Aunty B,
I think we have a bull in the china shop. I appointed a person who said they were the real deal as far as new business development and developing sales strategy are concerned, and yet all they have done since they came on board is criticise everything we do.
They keep trying to change our work practices which were working fine before. Nothing is good enough in their eyes and I have been feeling the pressure.
Asked to deliver a sales plan on more than one occasion they never came up with the goods, so I had to step in and do if for them. Not content with that they still tried to “bully” us into their way of thinking.
I know this person can sell because they have done it on a few occasions, yet it appears they want to be in the boss’ chair. After a performance review where their lack of sustained sales performance and dominating and manipulative behaviour was discussed clearly and calmly, they now tell me that I was in the wrong to raise it with them. Where do these people get off thinking they can laud it over everyone else?
Your thoughts?
Bothered and Bewildered,
Dear Bothered and Bewildered,
Just a second. Let me get this straight. You have taken someone into the bosom of your company who is a culture breaker, a bully, a dominator and a manipulator?
There is one thing that bullies understand and will respect. Someone who will out-bully them. So return the behaviour. When the bully pointed out that it was wrong of you to raise their dominating and manipulative behaviour, remind them that you are the boss and you will do what you like.
When they try to persuade you, turn the tables and remind the bully that they are absorbing your culture. When they don’t deliver, you yell! Don’t fancy out-bullying them? Thought not. And they know that too, which is why they have you pegged as a target.
The only good thing you have said about this person is they can sell. Well, lots of people can sell. And they are not going to destroy your culture and stress you out while doing their job. Act now and you will feel enormous relief.
Be smart,
Your Aunty B
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