Dear Aunty B,
One of my managers has been going around collecting money for the traditional office Melbourne Cup sweep.
It’s always a bit of fun and we usually end up with two or three sweeps because everyone wants a horse for their kids or partners or aunties or brother’s boyfriend’s dog. All good fun.
But one of our new staff has made it clear he is not happy. His brother is a reformed problem gambler and he’s mentioned to a few people that he doesn’t believe the company should condone something that encourages gambling.
I think he’s being a bit precious, but I also know I need to be sensitive to these sorts of matters.
Bob Each Way,
Dear Bob Each Way,
Good lord! What a wowser. Tell me, when it gets to Christmas party time will he suggest that you shouldn’t have a glass of bubbles because his great aunt was an alcoholic?
You are a very good person for considering the feelings of this staff member, but abandoning the Cup sweep because of one person is silly.
Ignore him, and if he keeps going on about it tell him that you’ve done it for years and it hasn’t created a band of problem gamblers to your knowledge.
Where will the fun police strike next?
Be smart,
Your Aunty B
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