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Tablets overtake smartphones as preferred web browsing device

Consumers using tablets now drive more traffic to websites than smartphone users, according to new figures from Adobe. However, the figures, posted on Adobe’s digital marketing blog, also show that a remarkable 84% of traffic comes from desktop and laptop PCs, compared to 7% from smartphones and 8% from tablets. However, Adobe’s figures also appear […]
Andrew Sadauskas
Andrew Sadauskas

Consumers using tablets now drive more traffic to websites than smartphone users, according to new figures from Adobe.

However, the figures, posted on Adobe’s digital marketing blog, also show that a remarkable 84% of traffic comes from desktop and laptop PCs, compared to 7% from smartphones and 8% from tablets.




However, Adobe’s figures also appear to show that the US and UK appear to be leading the trend, with Australian tablet traffic falling slightly under the amount of traffic sent by smartphones.