Jodie Sangster has been the chief executive of the Association for Data-driven Marketing and Advertising since July 2011, and prior to her current position, she was involved in the development of key legislation such as the Spam Act, Do Not Call Register Act and APEC Privacy Principles.
Sangster has also worked for marketing bodies in New York and the UK.
Recently, Sangster has been using an app which helps her keep connected and up-to-date with her many Linked In connections.
“My favourite piece of technology at the moment is Newsle. It’s a news app which connects to your Linked In and pulls through any news stories from any publication related to the people you’re connected to and it goes straight to your newsfeed.
“For me, I’m connected to an inordinate number of people and to set up something like a Google alert for so many people just wouldn’t be possible. But with Newsle, when I’m talking to people I’m already a step ahead of what they’re up to.
“It also picks up all the press releases they’ve put out as well.”