The US Interactive Advertising Bureau has surveyed the readers of its newsletter on what’s going to happen in 2008.
More than half (53%) believe social networking will continue to explode in 2008; 35% believe the networks will remain popular but growth will slow. Only 13% growth rates will decline as web users will migrate to the next big thing.
Video is considered the sector of online advertising that will show the greatest growth in 2008; 45% are predicting video as the fastest growing sector, 23% believe it will be display, 18% mobile, and only 16% believe it will be search.
If these marketers responses are anything to go by, the internet advertising boom is set to continue. Three quarters of respondents say their spending will go up in 2008; for 7% spending will remain the same and spending will go down for 11%.
And keep your eye out for mobile marketing next year, suggests the editor: “Mobile marketing is going to be the next big thing in 2008. Leading search engine Google reportedly is hard at work on an operating system designed to operate on mobile devices, and in talks with mobile carriers to have that operating system included on approved handsets.
“It’s only a matter of time before behavioural and demographic targeting are paired with the kind of precise geo-targeting available on high-tech mobile devices to create a perfect storm of ad relevance for marketers looking to reach busy, on-the-go consumers.
“There are some red flags in the distance, however. The regulatory environment for interactive advertising is very much in flux, and online privacy could emerge as a critical issue as the 2008 presidential campaign heats up. And it remains to be seen what will result from recent moves by major wireless carriers to open their networks to non-proprietary devices and content.”