If you have a newsletter or a blog, there are methods you can use to build your audience. KIRSTY DUNPHEY
By Kirsty Dunphey
The weekly newsletter we put out from www.kirstydunphey.com is currently circulating to over 4000 people weekly. We’re often asked how we’ve built our database to that size in three years given that this newsletter started as just an in-house newsletter to around 20 staff!
To follow are some of our best success tips on building your newsletter (or blog) database:
- Have a sign up button or form on every page of your website.
- Don’t make it too difficult for people to sign-up; people get bored if they have to jump through too many hoops. All we ask for is first name, surname (optional) and email.
- Set up a Facebook fan page for your email and encourage your friends/family and current subscribers to join.
- To attract those ever present Gen-Ys, have a presence on MySpace. Some of my favourites:
- www.myspace.com/jackcanfield
- www.myspace.com/thebaileynetwork
- www.myspace.com/jimrohn
- www.myspace.com/thatguywiththenametag
- www.myspace.com/kirstydunphey (and mine of course!)
- Link your Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn pages on your website and newsletter.
- Any time you speak at a public event, mention your newsletter and encourage people to sign up. By public event I mean everything from a keynote presentation in front of 2000 to a networking group of five – just mention it!
- If you do any regular public speaking, grab a box, bucket or any receptacle and allow people to simply throw a business card in at the end of any of your talks if they want to subscribe.
- Promote your newsletter on the bottom of your email (in your signature).
- Make it easy for people to recommend their friends sign up and mention that you’d like them to in your newsletter (in ours we say we’re aiming for 10,000 subscribers – can they help?)
- I regularly submit articles to be used in other newsletters. Our two most exciting contributions to date have been multiple entries in Zig Ziglar and Jeffrey Gitomer’s newsletters.
- Allow people to reproduce your articles in their newsletters – and make it easy. We do this by having a statement telling people they can reproduce our articles in every newsletter and a whole page of articles they can use.
- We submit our articles (which reference our newsletter) to online articles. Try www.ezinearticles.com and www.articlesbase.com, www.goarticles.com
- Solicit testimonials from the people who currently read your newsletter (even if it’s just five!) and use them on your website.
- Allow people to see archived copies of your newsletters – to give them a better idea of what they’re signing up for.
- Don’t sell or loan your database and make it clear on your website that you won’t.
- Mention your newsletter as often as possible (media, TV interviews, social events, networking).
- Consider mentioning your newsletter on your business card/letterhead.
- Link to your newsletter in your blog.
- Oh yeah – have a blog and if you don’t think you have time to blog, read this.
- There are lots of online ezine diretories that you can register your database at (we’ve not had a great response from these – but hey – if you’ve got a spare 10 minutes, go for your life!)
- Ask your friends/colleagues if they’ll mention your newsletter on their website. More links to your website also can do great things for your search engine optimisation.
- You can pitch your product in your newsletter – but it can’t all be a sales pitch. Find a happy medium that works for you in terms of selling vs educating.
- If you write a book, mention your newsletter in it.
- Make your database feel loved – have special offers that are only for those people who subscribe.
- Use a reputable web based program to distribute your newsletter, we use icontact but there are several similar programs available.
- Finally, the number one (and most simple) way to get more people subscribing is to put something out there that’s of value to readers. If people like a newsletter they’ll forward it on and it’ll grow without you having to concern yourself too much!
Kirsty Dunphey is one of Australia’s most publicised young entrepreneurs and is the founder of www.reallysold.com – the ultimate tool to help real estate agents write amazing advertisements. The youngest ever winner of the Australian Telstra Young Business Woman of the Year award, Kirsty started her first business at 15, her own real estate agency at 21, was a self-made millionaire at 23 and a self-made multi-millionaire at 25. For more information on Kirsty or either of her books – Advance to Go, Collect $1 Million and Retired at 27, If I can do it anyone can, or to sign up to her weekly newsletter head to: www.kirstydunphey.com
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