There is a lot of talk about native productivity apps today and recent research* suggests that tablet computers are still only used for business 4% of the time.
With all the hype around apps, web-based productivity tools can sometimes go unnoticed as they are not easily found on marketplaces such as iTunes and Android Market.
So I would like to share a few I use and suggest some ways of making it easier to find others.
I recently listed all the web-based tools I used in a month. In my consulting business to corporate clients, I am surprised with how few tools people use. I also appreciate how busy everyone is, and that people don’t have the time to research tools. This is where I would like to help.
This list was determined based on frequency of use and value generated. I have kept the descriptions brief. You can look at reviews on YouTube to get more information.
ConnectedHQ (Networking tool) Combines Twitter, Facebook, address book and LinkedIn into one view.
SurveyMonkey (Survey tool) Ten free questions to seek 360-degree feedback.
Google docs (Cloud spreadsheet tool) Multiple users can see and edit a single spreadsheet in real time.
Dropbox (Cloud storage) Access to files at any time. There are some corporate restriction on access. Still, great for personal files – beats USB keys!
Flipboard (Reader tool) User-friendly app for reading and sharing. So it’s not web-based, but I had to squeeze one app in!
Google bookmarks (Tool for saving website URLs) Categorise websites and write notes for later reference.
Google Alerts (For targeted research) Set a keyword search and receive tailored daily or weekly email alerts.
Sliderocket (Presentation tool) Diagnostic tool that determines when people read presentations and time spent per slide. Gets around typical file size restrictions with email.
TeamworkPM (Project management tool) User-friendly task management tool which reduces email.
The tools listed are a sample. To find other tools that meet your specific needs I suggest you: