When dealing with people, it’s never going to be 100% smooth sailing. Do you have clients who don’t pay on time? Are they unrealistic as to what the project involves? Or can they take forever to sign off on work?
We all experience this! But as a manager, it’s your job to develop a strategy and find a way to work with them for the best possible result.
In this episode, I will go through the most common issues consultants deal with when it comes to ‘difficult’ clients and offer tips on how to manage the situation.
Remember – clients are human too and they share the same hopes and fears as you do. That’s why it’s essential that, on a case-by-case basis, you think about what their motivation might be. Imagine the worst-case scenario if this all goes wrong for them. Only then are you in a position to make the best possible decisions for you, your company and the client.