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Childcare tips website for auntie

The next best thing to having kids is being the cool uncle or aunty all your friends’ and family’s kids love, and now a new website has popped up to help you do just that. The next best thing to having kids is being the cool uncle or aunty all your friends’ and family’s kids […]

The next best thing to having kids is being the cool uncle or aunty all your friends’ and family’s kids love, and now a new website has popped up to help you do just that.

The next best thing to having kids is being the cool uncle or aunty all your friends’ and family’s kids love, and now a new website has popped up to help you do just that.

Springwise reports that the SavvyAuntie website provides a whole lot of handy information novice kid-wranglers can use to impress visiting kids, from fun activities to nutrition tips.

It also includes a forum so cool uncles and aunties everywhere can exchange tips and recount lessons learnt when looking after kids and a “digital fridge door” on which the kiddies’ cute artwork can be displayed.

There is also a gifts section of the page, so all the DINKS out there can use some of that surplus income to get little Jane or Johnny a great present that will put the educational gift their parents gave them in the shade.

SavvyAuntie was founded by Melanie Notkin, a former editor and marketing executive who had the idea for the site when she herself became an aunt in 2001, and operates on an ad-supported business model.