Dear Aunty B,
My sales director, who is a selling machine, has just accepted a new position with a competitor. I want to show him the door immediately. On the other hand I cleverly inserted a month’s notice clause in his contract. Should I make him serve out his notice period?
Crows Nest.
Dear Dopey,
Oi, have you noticed the boom economy? You have? Gooood. Now, have you tried to hire anyone in sales recently? Obviously not. The only ones available are a few blokes who have been sacked for looking at porn on the company’s internet.
You need to reframe some questions here. Because this could cost you big time. First, you have Buckleys of replacing Sales Machine. Second, out he walks with all your IP, client lists and sensitive strategic plans.
So what you should be asking Aunty B is: “How much do I offer him as an incentive to stay? How do I get him to tear up the contract with my competitor?”
I suggest a big pay increase, a foreign posting, flexi-hours… broadband at his holiday shack…
But don’t think you are alone. Sales directors are behaving like lone rangers, calling all the shots and giving all of us the irrits. Just wait until the economy turns.
Aunty B
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