Nelson is undoubtedly one of the world’s most respected leaders, so it couldn’t hurt to bring a bit of his leadership style into the business context.
Nelson is undoubtedly one of the world’s most respected leaders, so it couldn’t hurt to bring a bit of his leadership style into the business context. Here are Mandela’s eight lessons of leadership as reported by
- Courage is not the absence of fear; it’s inspiring others to move beyond it: Leaders must keep going despite fear, and in doing so help others to do the same.
- Lead from the front – but don’t leave your base behind: Even the greatest leaders can’t do it on their own.
- Lead from the back – and let others believe they are in front: Persuade people to do things, and let them believe it was their idea.
- Know your enemy – and learn his favourite sport: Learning a little about the opposition will help you keep the lines of communication open.
- Keep your friends close – and your rivals even closer: Embracing your rivals will enhance your ability to control them.
- Appearances matter – and remember to smile: Don’t worry about appearing vain. Looking sharp and dressing the part inevitably has an impact on those around you.
- Nothing is black or white; life is neither either/or – learn to be comfortable with contradictions.
- Quitting is leading too: Knowing how to abandon a failed idea, task or relationship is often the most difficult kind of decision a leader has to make.