Dear Aunty B,
I know I should be working on the business, but every morning I get to work I get bogged down with day-to-day tasks. How do I rise up and see the big picture?
Melissa S,
Hi Melissa,
It’s called discipline. We would all like to go to work and do what we love. Remember? That’s why we started the business: we are passionate about what we do and thought we could do it better than our previous bosses.
Here are four things you can try:
1. Restructure your role. Delegate out some of those tasks that you really should not be doing and clear your desk. Make sure you keep a few of your favourite tasks, go on a few sales trips and are kept in the complaints loop. That will ensure you stay connected to the business.
2. Then start with some self talk and run these questions regularly through your head.
Stare ahead at the horizon and ask:
- How do we maintain our long term strategic advantage?
- Are we really the best in the market?
- How do we stay the best?
- What are new and innovative companies doing?
- Do customers really, really love our products?
- Are we keeping to our core competencies?
- How do we take this business to the next level?
- How will we surprise and delight our customers this year?
3. Organise regular strategic think tanks with your key staff.
Get out of your office! Make sure you are part of interesting and stimulating networks.
4. Tune in to what’s changing. You must make time to read and stay ahead of trends, changes to regulation, demographic change – in fact all the issues that can create a new idea, spawn a new direction or may be creeping up and threatening your business.
Good luck, Your Aunty B.