How to minimise your business tax burden
Every business is different, so an exhaustive list of what is tax deductible will vary. The following is a sample of the kinds of expenses that could be deductible – it might get you thinking about what you are claiming concerning your business.
Salary and wages and bonuses paid to employees.
FBT on fringe benefits paid is deductible.
Staff recruitment costs (advertising, agency fees).
The cost of drawing up employment agreements.
Superannuation contributions.
Workers compensation insurance.
Rent or lease costs of business premises (the rent itself, lease document preparation costs, etc).
Bank fees and charges on business bank accounts.
Bad debts (must actually be written off as bad).
Borrowing expenses, for example interest on funds borrowed that are used in the carrying on of the business, legal expenses, registration fees. Note that this year-by-year test allows for changes in the use of the borrowed funds.
The cost of trading stock, including freight, taxes and insurance.
Licence fees.
Motor vehicle expenses.
Lease of equipment or plant.
Depreciation of assets of the business. This can include the businesses’ buildings themselves.
Power costs.
The cost of promotional giveaways.
Gifts and donations to the value of $2 or more – this can include gifts of things like property (including trading stock) bought by the business during the 12 months before the gift was made.
Transport and freight expenses.
Fees of a registered tax agent.
Cost of attending conferences related to the activities of the business.
Payroll tax and land tax on business premises.