Every now and again you can have a slow sales week in business. While it can provide the opportunity to catch up on all the tasks you’ve been “meaning to do”, it can put additional stress and pressure on you when it is for an extended period.
So what do you do when your slow week turns into a slow month? Here are four places to find leads quickly and easily.
1. Your current customers
Your existing customers are the easiest place to generate new leads and business. From asking for referrals and introductions to finding ways to upsell, cross-sell and resell your customers to get them spending more sooner, your customers will always be able to provide new leads once they have seen the value in working with you.
How to get the best results:
Talk to them! Find out more about them or their business and where they ultimately want to be. Identify ways you can help them get there through the products and services you provide. Go to the customers who are already impressed with your products and services and ask them if they know anyone else who could benefit in the same way they have.
2. Your database and past customers
After your current customers, your database and past customers are your next point of call. Already familiar and interested in your products or services they are the second easiest to convert.
How to get the best results:
Identify the objections or reasons people haven’t bought yet or again and find ways to get around them. Offer an incentive. While your database is interested, and has possibly bought before, they will often need an extra push to get them over the line.
3. Cross or joint promotions
Joining forces with, and getting the endorsement of, other like-minded businesses that have influence in your industry or over your target market can be a quick and easy way to tap into a new database of leads. As it is beneficial to the business you are co-marketing with it is often an easy sell too.
How to get the best results:
Make sure the business you partner with has the same target market as you and that you know, like and trust them. You will, after all, be recommending them to your customers. Again, make sure you offer incentive so new leads a reason to act or at the very least get in touch with you.
4. Networking
Networking, whether at traditional events, online through social media or making the most out of everyday opportunities, can be a low-cost way to attract new leads and referral partners.
How to get the best results:
You only have limited time when networking, so it is important to know and clearly articulate what you do, who you do it for, why you do it and what makes you different. When you do, you can easily qualify networking opportunities and identify the most valuable contacts so you can spend more time building rapport with them.
How do you find leads quickly?
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