Using keyboard shortcuts is a great way to help you move around various applications, programs and even websites easier. But few WordPress users know they can actually take advantage of shortcuts while blogging.
In order to turn on WordPress shortcuts, you need to go to the Administration, Users, and then Profile settings. Then, check the “keyboard shortcuts” box.
After that, you can use a number of different shortcuts within the WordPress browser:
- When on the comments page, press the letter j to switch between selections. J goes down, while pressing k moves the selection up.
- Press a to approve the comment.
- Press s to mark a comment as spam.
- Press z to restore the comment from the trash.
- Press u to unapproved the selected comment.
- Press r allows you to reply to the comment.
- Shift-A approves all marked comments.
- Shift-S marks them as spam.
- Shift-D deletes those comments.
Shift-T moves those comments to the trash.