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10 ways to ensure your online business is growing and not dying

4. Speak to customers about what they want and how you are performing: Ask the hard questions and get truthful answers. Improve where you are weak and grow where you are great. Take customer feedback carefully. Be mindful of customer feedback as it can have two bad influences: They don’t want to tell you something […]
Andrew Sadauskas
Andrew Sadauskas

4. Speak to customers about what they want and how you are performing:

  • Ask the hard questions and get truthful answers. Improve where you are weak and grow where you are great.
  • Take customer feedback carefully. Be mindful of customer feedback as it can have two bad influences: They don’t want to tell you something bad so you only hear good things; and they tell you things that are only good for their business and not everyone else’s too.
  • Build a following. Keep your customers in the loop and tell them what is happening in the business. They want to know, because they have bought before.
  • Respond to customer complaints and answer their questions. This builds a relationship with each customer and keeps you connected to the front line.
  • Take the feedback from your customers and build a better product or service. Your goal is to be the best and not compete on price.

5. Say thank you:

  • Saying thank you to your best clients and staff is one of the best investments you can make.
  • Recognise achievement with staff. Recognition is what all humans ultimately crave, be a source of that recognition and your business will be a better place to work.

6. Learn something new and add it to your business:

  • Always be learning something to help your business.
  • Once you have learnt it, put it into a system or process, resource it with people and measure it. Your business will grow!
  • In my previous business, I learnt about the mobile phone business and found out how confusing it was for consumers to compare. We thought there was a gap in the market because other comparison sites just left you more confused, so we launched in June 2012 to help people actually compare!

7. Attend conferences:

  • This is time to think and take stock of your business.
  • Reflect and plan your next moves.
  • Cut back on what’s not working.
  • Add something new to try and grow.

8. Add to your website:

  • More pages on your website means more traffic. Always be adding new content to it. A dead website will stop sales in its tracks.
  • Update your website. Remove the 2010 award and press release and replace it with something new. A fresh site will convince new customers to trust you more and help you win new business.

9. Review your staff:

  • Fire politicians and poor performers. Your top performers will appreciate and respect you for it. You are also doing that person a favour by helping them find a better place to work.
  • Replace people in underperforming areas.
  • Hire new people in top performing areas to get them to expand more.
  • Cut back or close divisions that aren’t performing.

10. Keep going and try and try again:

  • Never, ever, ever give up.
  • Try again something that didn’t work, there might have been a reason why it didn’t work.
  • Repeat this process every 90 days.

Follow Fred on Twitter @Schebesta for more inspirational internet business tips.