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From customer loyalty to payments, your one-stop-shop guide to behavioural science in 2016

We’ve arrived at the end of the year and I thought I’d recap my articles from 2016 so you have an easy, one-stop-shop reference. Seeing all of them together might also give you a sense of the adaptability of behavioural science, which is why I love it so much. Tools and behaviour change How to […]
Bri Williams
Bri Williams

We’ve arrived at the end of the year and I thought I’d recap my articles from 2016 so you have an easy, one-stop-shop reference. Seeing all of them together might also give you a sense of the adaptability of behavioural science, which is why I love it so much.

Tools and behaviour change

How to develop empathy (most important)

Why do we make life hard for ourselves?

Are you spinning plates while the Titanic sinks?

Behavioural economics has a sticky date problem (my favourite)

How to make it obvious in foresight

Top 10 behavioural influences (most thank-yous)

Inside the Coke bubble: lessons on how to influence behaviour

Customer insights

Why asking isn’t enough if you want answers (share this with anyone who thinks they already have their bases covered … they don’t!)

How you ask is as important as what you ask

One green bottle…Turns out it should have been amber

Sales and customer engagement

Two techniques to address customer apathy

Hidden reasons why your customers aren’t buying

Anticipation: There’s value in making customers wait

Four things this airline does to influence customers

The ultimate heads-up on getting messages right

Why providing certainty is a big deal

Lose weight by taking a picture? Tangibility’s role in behavioural influence.

How smells, sounds and spaces influence what people do

Acoustic encoding and other tricks to get into your customer’s brain

Does your business have Resting B!*ch Face?

Customer loyalty

Ditch loyalty. Build for habits (most liked)

How to build better loyalty programs

Salvaging the sale when your stakeholder leaves

Pricing and payment

Good buy today, pay tomorrow

Disconnecting the pain of payment

Four easy behavioural techniques to apply to your pricing

Lessons from a real-life behavioural experiment (no-tip restaurants)

Using your returns policy to drive sales ( a common client concern)

Customer Experience

Why this sign sucks if you are waiting for a train (very popular)

Pre-peeled oranges are not nuts

The point of pain to influence behaviour (most read)

Asking customers for a favour can improve your conversion

5 ways to ensure you influence customer choices

Theft from self-service checkouts and what it means for your business

Website Design

How a leading online retailer influences customer behaviour

What a fence-less gate means for website design

Habits and personal effectiveness

Can sharing goals really reduce the likelihood you’ll complete them?

There’s comfort in not risking success (most personal)

Having a plan might mean planning to fail

Circuit breakers to re-set habits

Using charity challenges to change habits

Two ways to fast track habit change

Thank you for your interest in the application of behavioural science to everyday business and personal issues, and I look forward to sharing more with you in 2017. If you have any feedback, ideas or questions please share them with me via

Bri Williams deletes all buying hesitation and maximises every dollar of your marketing spend by applying behavioural economics to the patterns of buying behaviour. More at