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Dear you (a love letter to organisations)

Dear you, Running an organisation and building a brand is hard. Even when you’re doing what you care about, it’s still hard. And everyone seems to think they know how to do it better than you. Case in point—the blogs I write every week asking you to consider this and do that. So this week […]
Michel Hogan
Michel Hogan

Dear you,

Running an organisation and building a brand is hard. Even when you’re doing what you care about, it’s still hard. And everyone seems to think they know how to do it better than you. Case in point—the blogs I write every week asking you to consider this and do that.

So this week I’m taking a break, and I’m inviting you to as well.

Today is the big daddy of Hallmark holidays, Valentine’s Day. So in the spirit of lovers everywhere here’s a love letter from me to you. It comes with the hope that just for one day, you’ll sit back and give yourself a big hug. You deserve it.

There’s so much I love about working with you in my practice and writing for you here.

I absolutely love that you get out of bed every day and open the doors, whether yesterday was a banner day or one you’d rather forget.

I love that you are trying, in your way, to make a difference. Sometimes it’s about changing the world, and sometimes it’s doing work with honest intent in whatever part of the world you are in. You never know where the ripples will land.

I love that you get people working with you. That you give people a place to make a living. And how among the grind of payroll and never ending expectations, you find ways to build a team who cares about what they do. I’ve been there and it ain’t easy.

And if it’s just you working for you, then kudos to you as well. Because no one is a more hard-assed boss with higher expectations than you for yourself.

I love that even when customers like me bring our bad moods and crazy expectations to your door, you usually smile and ask how you can help (and for days when you’re having a bad day and can’t, I promise I’ll try and not make it personal).

I love that you’re open to trying new ways of doing things. That you keep learning, growing and trying to be better. Whatever that means for you. Otherwise, you’d hardly be spending your most valuable resource (time) here, reading what we write.

That you are interested in what I write for you is just chocolate-after-dinner amazing.

Most of all I love that you bring you to the table. Good and bad, triumphs and mistakes, totally nailed it and messy, but got it done, heart and soul. So keep doing you!

See you next week.


Michel is an Independent Brand Thinker and Adviser dedicated to helping organisations make promises they can keep and keep the promises they make – with a strong, resilient organisation as the result. You can find Michel at or you can follow her on Twitter @michelhogan