Learning the value of persistence and persevering when times are tough can connect you to a successful business career and life.
Don’t give up or throw in the towel too early – success might be just around the corner.
As the saying goes, ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way’. If you want something bad enough, follow my video blog guide to perseverance which covers the four simple steps of getting what you want:
1. Ask – know what you want
2. Seek – take action
3. Knock – just because a door isn’t opened instantly, it doesn’t mean it won’t be opened one day
Remember, ‘no’ is just the beginning of negotiations.
Amanda Rose is passionate about helping others find their niche, strategically connecting them and sharing exclusive tips. Her weekly video blog, Smart Connections, uncovers the insider’s guide to a happy and successful business and life. Next week’s video blog: Climb the corporate ladder fast, a how-to guide.