What kind of salesperson are you? Do you harangue potential clients until they give in and choose your products or service? Or do you take a more “softly, softly” approach to sales?
It could be the case that you haven’t really tackled the art of selling before starting your own business and are unsure how to approach this vital task.
Today, we’ve picked out the key traits of a great salesperson and consult the experts to identify the different kinds of sales approaches and the pros and cons of each.
Elsewhere, HR guru Martin Nally has some words of advice on equal pay and we speak to the founder of Wajam, a social search business that was born out of a Quebec-based start-up accelerator and is looking to reach maturity in Australia.
Finally, StartupSmart has teamed up with ANZ to create two great, free eBooks that are essential reading for any start-up. Click here for 10 top sales tips or click here for 10 essential things your business plan needs.