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Wednesday 10 October

Recent changes to the R&D tax incentive, switching the Federal Government scheme to a quarterly basis, have been hailed as a boost for innovators. But is the initiative, which provides 45 cents in return for every dollar spent on innovation, really suitable for start-ups? And how can entrepreneurs improve their chances of getting a tax […]
Oliver Milman

Recent changes to the R&D tax incentive, switching the Federal Government scheme to a quarterly basis, have been hailed as a boost for innovators.

But is the initiative, which provides 45 cents in return for every dollar spent on innovation, really suitable for start-ups? And how can entrepreneurs improve their chances of getting a tax credit?

Today, we speak to several start-ups that have utilised the R&D tax incentive and speak to the experts for their top tips.

We also have news of a new investment fund for sports tech start-ups and mentor Gillian Franklin explains how you can make your marketing budget stretch.