Last year, SmartCompany launched a site called StartupSmart. The whole idea behind the site was that we wanted to help provide new entrepreneurs with the advice, news and information they need to start ventures that could eventually become fast-growth SMEs, employing lots of people and creating wealth.
A lot of the focus is on helping start-ups establish a strong web presence – a great website with strong SEO, a social media strategy and web-marketing capabilities.
But unfortunately, it’s not just start-ups that need help with their web strategies. A new survey of 1000 SMEs from software firm MYOB has found that a staggering 65% of businesses still do not have a website.
Yes, that’s right. 65%, no website. In 2011!
In fact, start-ups are doing the best job of adapting to the world of the web. The survey shows 36% of businesses aged two years or less have a website, compared with 32% of businesses between five and 10 years and just 25% of businesses aged over 10 years (36% of businesses aged two-to-five years have a site).
The survey also shows that 73% of businesses do not use email marketing, 82% don’t used forums or social media sites and 85% don’t sell anything online.
This is staggering stuff and the owners of these businesses really deserve a kick up the bum. The idea that you can grow your business in the Australian market without a website is ludicrous.
While business owners in construction, trades, hospitality or retail might believe they don’t need a web presence because their customers don’t use the web, this thinking is outdated.
Fewer and fewer customers are using the local paper or the Yellow Pages to look for businesses – you only need to look at the dramatic 13% slump in revenue at Yellow Pages owner Sensis in the last six months to see that.
Today, everybody searches for everyone and everything online. You simply cannot afford to ignore this if you want to remain in business for longer than a few years.
This morning, I searched Google for a carpenter in the suburb I live in. Just three businesses came up on Google Maps. None had a website. Imagine how easily it would be for a tradie to stand out in that area.
It’s not hard and it’s not expensive. Get a domain name for under $20, start a WordPress site for free and at least get your contact details up and out there. There are plenty of people out there who will help you get started for not much money at all.
C’mon, web-fearing entrepreneurs, lift your game. Or your competition will, and they’ll wipe you out.