Leisure time
Ross says without a doubt the hardest part of his job is balancing work and family life.
“It’s been a case of growing a business at the same time as growing a family,” he says.
“I make it my ambition to get home by seven so I can see my kids before they go to bed.”
“As a CEO you have to accept that you must make some sacrifices, so when you get the opportunity to be social, you have to make the most of it.”
Ross plays tennis once a week and water skis in summer.
“And of course I spend a lot of time kicking the football in the backyard with my sons.”
As a keen Essendon fan, he also tries to get the family to a footy match as often as possible.
Ross pulls no punches about his plans for ITCOM.
“Our objective is to be the best technology recruitment company in Australia,” he says.
“That doesn’t necessarily mean the biggest, but does mean we need to have some scale.”
Steering the company into international waters is on Ross’ long to-do list, particularly into the growing Asian market.
Despite his ambition, he laughs at the idea of being called an entrepreneur.
“I don’t know if I see myself as an entrepreneur really, but I guess if an entrepreneur is someone who has a lot of drive and passion for what they do, and wants to see the business and its people succeed, then I guess I can categorise myself as an entrepreneur.”