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What do you do if you don’t like your customer?

Let’s be honest, as sales professionals, if we had a choice, we would prefer to deal only with customers we liked. That is, those whose personalities most naturally mirrored ours. People similar to us. Yet this is rarely the case. If you engage enough customers, in any market, you will invariably find four predominant communication […]
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Trent Leyshan
What do you do if you don't like your customer?

Let’s be honest, as sales professionals, if we had a choice, we would prefer to deal only with customers we liked. That is, those whose personalities most naturally mirrored ours. People similar to us. Yet this is rarely the case.

If you engage enough customers, in any market, you will invariably find four predominant communication styles: thinker, director, socialiser and relater. By understanding the differences in communication styles you can work towards minimising the differences to build stronger connections.

That being said, you may still meet people who are difficult to connect with. So this begs the question: Do you have to like your customers?

The short answer is no. However, in my experience, the better you relate to and connect with your customers, the more meaningful and durable your relationship becomes. In addition, the more willing the client will be to open up and provide you with the right information to help you tailor your approach and really hit the mark with your recommendation or solution.

If you don’t like some of your customers, you must at the very least share a likeness with them. The best form of likeness is always taking an interest in their best interests. Here’s what I mean:

‘I don’t really like you, but I still really care about you.’

This is a powerful customer service mantra to embed into your businesses.

Even if you don’t like the personality of a particular customer, you still better service the pants off them, and enjoy doing it. Is that idealistic?

Abso-bloody-lutely! But in today’s hyper-competitive environment, anything less is settling for mediocrity and we all know how that story ends.

This blog is an excerpt from Trent’s book, OUTLAW. Check out the OUTLAW promo video! Trent Leyshan is the founder of sales training company, BOOM! He is the author of OUTLAW and The Naked Salesman.