6. Survey Monkey
Surveys are incredibly useful business tools and can provide you with information to help you grow your business.
Survey Monkey allows you to create surveys easily for every purpose, from market research to help you identify the needs, wants, frustrations and challenges of your target market to gaining valuable customer feedback and product or service evaluations that can help you determine the level of customer satisfaction and necessary developments to give you a competitive edge.
7. GrantsLINK
One of the biggest challenges businesses can face, whether in their start up or growth stage, is cash flow. GrantsLINK is an Australian Government website that has information about funding programs that can help you develop both local and national product and service solutions, fund ideas and initiatives and get assistance in times of hardship.
8. SourceBottle.com
SourceBottle.com is a fantastic way to intercept media call-outs from journalists who are looking for sources to input on their story. With the story angle already set and the story definitely going forward, all you need to do is pitch why your expert opinion or experience will be best for the story.
9. Wordle
Wordle is a great little tool if you are a blogger or you are serious about search engine optimisation (SEO).
Not only does Wordle create beautiful word pictures from text you have written, it also helps you see what words are the most prominent in your copy. The bigger the word, the more frequent it has appeared. So your goal is to ensure that any keywords you have appear the largest in the image.
10. Evernote
Evernote helps you keep text notes, audio, web pages, files and photos all in the one place for easy access. You can take meeting notes, keep important documents together, record research or access your favourite webpages, easily tagging and categorising. With handy apps you can also access all of your files across all of your devices.
What business tools and resources help you manage and grow your business?