6. Intuition
Call it gut feel, but good leaders follow their sense of what they believe works. While they might not be able to put their finger precisely on it, that innate belief is still supported somewhat by their knowledge and experience, giving them the confidence to make decisions taking all these factors into consideration.
7. Courage
This means having the strength to do what’s right, being dedicated to get the job done and having the willingness to risk criticism or worse failure.
They take calculated risks and go the extra mile. They don’t settle when it matters, in order to accomplish more than what is expected.
8. Communication
It’s good and well to have a clear purpose, vision and plan but you also need to be able to communicate it to others. Good communicators don’t just provide the facts; they paint the picture and can convey their purpose and reasons for doing what they do.
They communicate frequently and in many ways to share and gather insights to grow their knowledge and support their pursuits.
9. Influence
We are all influenced by others. The important question is who influences you and how? Are they influencing you in a manner that supports your personal purpose in life and enhances the skills and qualities you need to achieve that purpose?
Much of what we become and achieve is affected by influence, therefore great leaders are also influential. By connecting with others and letting the other 10 commandments shine through, they influence others in positive ways.
10. Finally, great leaders add value to others
They take what they know and use it for a greater good, helping others to learn from their knowledge and experience whether it’s business or sometimes personal.
They inspire them with their greatness and their successes and encourage and motivate them as a result.
They lift others up and show them how to develop their own leadership capability, regardless of where they sit in the organisation.
They recognise every member of their team has influence and they encourage them to utilise that influence, thereby creating a multiplying effect in the process. This benefits the individual themselves, the people around them and, of course, the business itself.
Imagine what your start-up business can achieve by fostering these 10 commandments.
MPR Group delivers leadership training to business owners and their key team members through their Mastermind Leadership program. For further information about the program, please click here.
Marc Peskett is a Director of MPR Group a Melbourne based firm that provides mentoring and training to business owners, as well as business advisory and finance lending services, tax, outsourced accounting and grants strategies to fast growing small to medium enterprises. You can follow Marc on Twitter @mpeskett