3. There’s an opportunity to look at the big picture
Celebrating provides a great moment to reflect on the big picture. What are we planning to achieve? In previous blogs, I’ve mentioned our end of year goal: gaining a million users.
Stopping to reflect as we reach each milestone in the journey enables the team to reflect on what’s working, what’s not and where we should focus our resources next.
4. Everyone wants to be on a winning team
Everyone likes to be on a winning team. Success is the best way to boost team morale. It can’t be faked but when it’s achieved, you should make the most of it by celebrating!
Our engineers slogged away for months when people weren’t using the website, and the community manager struggled to engage our audience. Now that we’ve turned a corner and lots of people are using the platform, I’ve found that the team’s enthusiasm, creativity and productivity have exploded.
5. It makes everyone feel appreciated
Start-up teams work much harder than regular people – well, ours does. It’s vital that founders demonstrate how much they appreciate and value their team’s contribution, and celebrating is a great way to do this.
Everything about running a start-up is hard. I find the challenge of leading a team, keeping everyone motivated and focused in the right direction, incredibly difficult. It’s even harder at the moment when we’re in different countries.
I’ve tried everything I know to build a great culture: bringing inspirational shareholders to speak, running regular offsite events, and hosting regular team lunches are a few. All these help, but there’s only one way to make a smart team happy in the long-term and that’s progress. Regularly celebrating wins guarantees that progress is felt as much as possible.
Disclaimer: I don’t claim to be an expert; I’m learning too. Posse is my first tech company and we’re not home yet. Please consider my suggestions, but form your own opinion. These posts aren’t ‘lessons’; they’re my notes on what I think I’m learning along the way. In fact, I’ve changed my thinking on some of the views I expressed in earlier blogs! I’ll clear that up later.