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A taxing text

I’m Horrified. That’s right, Horrified with a capital H. I just received this text (SMS) message verbatim [with company details removed]: “Hi u are due for ur regular dental check. We are booked for 6wks.Call [name of business] on [phone number]”. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m all for a strategic use of a text […]

I’m Horrified. That’s right, Horrified with a capital H.

I just received this text (SMS) message verbatim [with company details removed]:

“Hi u are due for ur regular dental check. We are booked for 6wks.Call [name of business] on [phone number]”.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m all for a strategic use of a text message. I get a sensational one from my physiotherapist to remind me about appointments and we even use them in our real estate agency for rent reminders, but this text message is, in my opinion, appalling.

What’s more, there’s an extra 69 characters they could have used in this text message without spilling over into a second message and thus costing them more.

I get that there is a language that people use for text messaging and I get that abbreviations make things easier to fit into the limited space, but c’mon! This text is just crazy. I don’t want to get my teeth checked by a place that sends out reminder text messages that look like they’re from a bored 17-year-old.

The sad truth is that I will end up going back to this dentist (it’s near on impossible in my area to get into another) and I won’t let them know how horrified I was by this text message. How could they get the feedback?

The next time I’m waiting the 30 minutes in the surgery why not give me a little survey that says, “what can we do better?” Then I’d share it with them.

Until then though, in language my dentist’s receptionist will understand if no one else: C u l8r, KD.


Kirsty Dunphey is the youngest ever Australian Telstra Young Business Woman of the Year, author of two books (her latest release is ‘Retired at 27, If I can do it anyone can’) and a passionate entrepreneur who started at age 15 and opened her own real estate agency at 21. Currently Kirsty heads up the premium online copywriting site for real estate agents and is a co-director of Elephant Property Launceston, Tasmania’s only boutique real estate agency purely for investment property owners. Kirsty’s other ventures are outlined at her website where you can also sign up for her newsletter.

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