My husband and I cruised through Alaska as part of our honeymoon. On this trip a fellow traveller told me that Alaska is the “cruise you take before you die” (the comment was more to do with the average age of the cruisers, not the danger level involved in trying to run on a treadmill while the ship dodged icebergs!).
We loved Alaska and this cruise, despite the fact that we may have been the youngest people ever to set foot on the shuffleboard deck.
One of the reasons we loved it so much was because of our housekeeper Merawai. There’s a reason I still remember her name four years on (and it’s not just because she liked to enter our room without knocking).
Every morning when she serviced our teeny tiny cabin she’d leave us a towel folded into a creature of some sort. She’d use my glasses as props, or hang them from the ceiling.
It was systemised brilliance and gave us a giggle each and every day. It cost the company a little in time and nothing in materials and four years on I’m still telling people about the experience.
What could you start doing today to make someone still feel the need to rave about you four years on?
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Kirsty Dunphey is the youngest ever Australian Telstra Young Business Woman of the Year, author of two books (her latest release is ‘Retired at 27, If I Can do it Anyone Can’) and a passionate entrepreneur who started at age 15 and opened her own real estate agency at 21. Currently Kirsty heads up the premium online copywriting site for real estate agents and is a co-director of Elephant Launceston, Tasmania’s only boutique real estate agency purely for investment property owners. Kirsty’s other ventures are outlined at her website where you can also sign up for her newsletter.