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I just want to sell but my GM loves spreadsheets

Dear Aunty B, My business recently put in a new general manager, who is making my life hell. Before, I used to spend most of my time in front of clients selling, which is what I love doing and what I am paid to do. I would spend any time I had thinking about clients, […]

Dear Aunty B,

My business recently put in a new general manager, who is making my life hell. Before, I used to spend most of my time in front of clients selling, which is what I love doing and what I am paid to do. I would spend any time I had thinking about clients, working out how to get in front of clients, getting in front of clients and closing deals. But the new general manager, who now has responsibility for the sales team (there are four of us), has introduced all these spreadsheets and forms that are taking up at least a day of my time a week. It is crazy that I am sitting at my desk filling out numbers when there are sales to be made! Aunty, I don’t want to make an enemy of the guy, but how can I get back to doing what I am paid for? This guy has an accounting background and has never done sales!

Had Enough,


Dear Had Enough,

If you are truly spending a day a week just filling out forms, then your GM should be taken out and shot.

I might add here that there is a chance you are exaggerating the time you spend filling out forms and/or hate it so much you spend far too long on it. Let’s face it – we all lie on our tax return when fill out that bit about how long we spent filling out the bloody form. Well, it’s not a lie exactly. One hour can FEEL like 36 hours! And it is an hour I will never get back.

But whatever. I would still shoot the GM. The most important part of your job is the time you spend in front of prospects and customers, checking you are delivering and seeing how else you can value-add and make them perform better for their boss, their customers and their customers’ customers.

Here is what you must do:

– Make a list (sorry) of everything you have to do.

– Work out who can do the tasks that are taking you away from your customers and prospects quicker, better and cheaper than you.

– Present that to the new GM and make the suggestion that an accounts person be hired to do the grunt work, as they are far cheaper and better organised, and letting things fall through the cracks is contrary to their nature.

But do be aware that the best salespeople read, collect information about prospects, customers, competitors and opportunities and they follow up! They also prioritise opportunities, hunt partnerships or long-term deals, develop strategy and plan new products. All this does require a methodical approach that can be frustrating for a passionate salesperson such as you; your GM might well be helping you become more disciplined, focused and a better salesperson! The GM might also be professionalising your sales team, which seems like it has matured from a start-up to an established business.

Lastly, I note you are Melbourne-based: may I suggest you and your GM come along to our Kick – Butt – Sales event on Thursday night. Sit back with a glass of wine – or beer or gin!! – and spend a few hours picking up great sales tips. I will make sure Amanda Gome spends at least five minutes telling the audience that any GM who keeps their salespeople deskbound should be shot.

Good luck,

Your Aunty B


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