Hey Aunty B,
Business is plodding along nicely at the moment and we are growing month-on-month. The problem we have at the moment is that we are focusing solely on the web through our website to keep our inbox full of enquiries.
This is great as we can easily track our marketing, but if that source of advertising fell over for whatever reason we would not have a leg to stand on besides contacting our existing clients. My partner and I are time poor at the moment but will be looking to hire more staff very soon if we keep staying busy like we are.
How do we go about developing a marketing/advertising plan which will take us to our next level of growth? Our strategy for the web is really efficient and is working brilliantly but now we are not confident moving into other areas, even though we feel we need to.
Weary & Cautious
Hey Weary & Cautious,
Well, I checked you out and full marks for a great website. And you seem to have a very clear strategy so here is how you can develop a plan.
1. New tricks: I know you are busy but you have someone in the office who does some of the marketing. Get them to do a competitors analysis. What are your competitors doing? What is working for them? Do they have any ideas online that you could nick? Train yourself and others to always be looking for marketing and advertising ideas.
2. On steroids: What is currently working? How do you put that on steroids?
3. Boost your profile: Call in a PR/marketing consultant for a few hours. What tricks do they have for boosting your profile and getting leads?
4. Build loyalty: How can you leverage your database? Can you set up any rewards if clients introduce you to new clients?
5. Love your clients: How can you sell more products to existing clients?
6. Lead generators: How can you create more lead generators? Can you leverage your database/make better use of email?
Once you have some ideas around these thoughts have an offsite meeting for an afternoon.
Then you come up with a rolling plan. What can you do now, what can you do in three months, who is going to measure the response, etc?
That process will then give you a headache as you realise you don’t have the resources to do this properly and you will curse your loyal Aunty B.
Then you will hire someone who is a mix of business development and marketing and you will also realise that you must clear some space around yourself and your partner so you can do more marketing.
In a years time you will be rich and famous enough to hire a dedicated marketing person.
But until then, that is your plan!
Good luck!
Your Aunty B
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