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What are your strengths?

Some years ago I had my Gallup Strengths done since then everyone who joins RedBalloon has also completed the review… it is fun and insightful and really helps us as a leadership team to understand how to best get our people in ‘flow’. It is not a recruitment tool, because no strength is better than […]

Some years ago I had my Gallup Strengths done since then everyone who joins RedBalloon has also completed the review… it is fun and insightful and really helps us as a leadership team to understand how to best get our people in ‘flow’. It is not a recruitment tool, because no strength is better than another – it just gives us an added way to support our people in their development.

This is not the only strengths finder, but I was curious to know if I used a different vendor’s program would my strengths remain the same. Commonsense would concur – I have not changed; but maybe the language around the strengths is different. For me it is all about relevance.

I consulted Margie Hartley from The Channel Group who has developed professional and personal programs based on the VIA Positive Leadership Signature Strengths developed by Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson.

After completing the online form – my top five signature strengths were recognised. The question that Margie asked me and that particularly interested me is “how do these impact me as a leader?” How can I best use who I am to support the strategy that we are up to at RedBalloon.

So I discovered:
1. I am curious and interested in the world
2. I am grateful
3. I have a love of learning
4. I have zest, enthusiasm and energy
5. I have a capacity to love and be loved.

These impact every area of my life not just my business life (though as an entrepreneur one does often question if there is more to life than the business).

When Margie dug deeper into these I could see how they related to the business strengths that I discovered with the Gallup Strengths finder.

But of greater interest is how I use these as a leader (she gave me insights into this):

  • CURIOSITY: I am at my best when there’s something to achieve, or a problem to solve, using a new idea, skill or piece of knowledge, which in turn inspires new interest in something related. Motivated by complexity, ambiguity, and difficulty. I’m best supported by autonomy to explore. (I’m thwarted by over confidence, anxiety, guilt, fear and concern about external measurement, validation or punishment.)
  • GRATITUDE: I am at my best when I have the opportunity to connect with and depend on others to experience, observe and savour their acts of virtue. I’m best supported when there is an opportunity to express thanks and appreciation. (I’m thwarted by time pressure and solitary, self-sufficient activities and too much emphasis on entitlement and materialism.)
  • LOVE OF LEARNING: I’m at my best when there is a challenge or new activity that the new knowledge can be applied to. I’m best supported in an environment when there is support from others and a positive benefit in succeeding in the challenge. (I’m thwarted when learning is spoon-fed, or when there is simply no opportunity to learn something new and use it for a positive benefit, such as repetitive work) – no wonder I always have piles of books that I am devouring.
  • ZEST: I’m at my best when physical needs are met with sufficient rest and exercise, and involved in an activity that is engaging. Is best supported by enabling autonomy in relation to the activity. (I’m thwarted by lack of sleep and exercise, and a controlling environment.)… (oh I am grumpy with lack of sleep and no exercise – too true.)
  • LOVE: I’m best when there is plentiful opportunity to connect closely with individuals, bond and be available to actively respond, care and support, and to receive the same from significant others who are sensitive to their needs. I’m best supported by freedom to spend time and focus to connect with and support people for the sake of personal rather than organisational benefit. (I’m thwarted in an environment where no-one is sensitive to their personal or emotional needs) – I hope this doesn’t mean I wear my heart on my sleeve… but I do know that I love watching the team around learn grow and develop… as well as watching my children thrive as they discover new things….

Clearly it is my curiosity and love of learning that means that I am so fascinated by such a tool.

Naomi Simson is considered one of Australia’s ‘Best Bosses’. She is an employee engagement advocate and practices what she preaches in her own business. RedBalloon has been named as one of only six Hewitt Best Employers in Australia and New Zealand for 2009 and awarded an engagement scorecard of over 90% two years in a row – the average in Australian businesses is 55%. RedBalloon has also been nominated by BRW as being in the top 10 Best Places to Work in Australia behind the likes of Google. One of Australia’s outstanding female entrepreneurs, Naomi regularly entertains as a passionate speaker inspiring people on employer branding, engagement and reward and recognition. Naomi writes a blogand is a published author – and has received many accolades and awards for the business she founded –