Dear Aunty B,
When doing this year’s budget it occurred to me that I need more help setting up my business strategy. I am very ambitious to see my business expand and see lots of opportunities in our industry (education).
Who is likely to be the most helpful people I can consult about expanding my business?
Should I be looking at industry groups, a business coach or consultants?
I am a female entrepreneur (if that makes any difference).
Dear DR,
I like your thinking! Assembling a group who can assist you is a great strategy in itself. I assume you have a board with an independent director? The right board can not only assist you with strategy but also challenge you, motivate you and push you outside your comfort zone.
Women are great at asking for help. We surveyed successful female entrepreneurs recently and asked them who had been of most significant help when expanding their business.
I was really surprised with some of the results.
For example, which group do you think won between accountants and spouses? The women put a supportive spouse ahead of accountants! In fact, 69% of the female entrepreneurs say that a supportive spouse had been very significant in expanding the business, compared to 50% who gave that credit to their accountant. But do you know what won hands down? Great staff. In fact, 83% of the female entrepreneurs say it was great staff that had the most significant impact.
The results looked like this:
- Great staff = 83%
- Supportive spouse = 69%
- Good mentor = 54%
- Business networks = 54%
- Accountants = 50%
- Other business women = 45%
- Female networks = 41%
- Other businessmen = 40%
- Consultants = 28%
- Business coach = 22%
- Industry groups = 21%
- Banks = 20%
So there you have it: women are using a lot of different sources to grow their business. But mostly they rely on great staff.
Good luck!
Your Aunty B
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